Cowdb implements an indexed, key/value storage engine.
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current version: 0.4.2 Source Other Downloads


1> {ok, Pid} = cowdb:open("testing.db").
2> cowdb:put(Pid, a, 1).
{ok, 1}
3> cowdb:get(Pid, a).
4> cowdb:mget(Pid, [a, b]).
5> cowdb:put(Pid, b, 2).
{ok, 2}
6> cowdb:mget(Pid, [a, b]).
7> cowdb:mget(Pid, [a, b, c, d]).
8> cowdb:transact(Pid, [
    {add, c, 2},
    {remove, b},
    {fn, fun(Db) ->
                {ok, {a, V}} = cowdb:get(Db, a),
                [{add, d, V}] end}]).
{ok, 3}
9> cowdb:mget(Pid, [a, b, c, d]).
10> cowdb:fold(Pid, fun(Got, Acc) -> {ok, [Got | Acc]} end, []).

*cowdb is an open source project developped for the Refuge project and sponsored by Enki Multimedia, under the Mozilla Public Licence v2.0